Fokus Films is more than just a production company; it is a collective of storytellers, visionaries, and creative professionals. Nestled in the heart of Los Angeles, the epicenter of the entertainment world, Fokus Films has honed and excelled their craft through rich experience from both the commercial and film/tv worlds. The team embraces each new project as a unique opportunity to craft captivating narratives and bring visions to life.

Fokus Films was founded 2018 when Alexander Haessner and Michael Trobisch met at Otto Nemenz International, one of the largest cinema rental houses in Los Angeles. Haessner (originally from Germany) was looking for anamorphic lens options to film a multi-cam live concert, while Trobisch (from Salzburg, Austria) was advising him as one of Otto’s camera technicians.

Both filmmakers decided to collaborate and bring their film-making skills together by establishing a highly adaptable production studio capable of handling a wide array of projects and media. Their gigs have ranged from music videos to commercials to film projects that have taken them to well-known film locations such as Atlanta, Georgia and Bozeman, Montana as well as abroad to the Philippines. At the same time, Haessner and Trobisch have continued their individual film careers as members of the Local 600 cinematographers guild in Los Angeles.

In 2020 Fokus Films started specializing in work known as the branded story niche, which are commercials that follow an intricate and often personalized narrative.  In working closely with Courageous, a daughter company of CNN, these branded stories are sponsored by individual producers or corporations who have a curated vision and message for their audience, and Fokus Films helps them realize their story through polished productions from beginning to end. Recently, Fokus Films started producing their own content by adapting this successful formula for clients who directly approach them for promotional videos with highly customized and unique content.

In their own words, Fokus Films knows that “in the fast-paced world of advertising, we excel in distilling complex messages into visually striking, emotionally resonant stories. We make commercials that engage, inspire, and leave a lasting impression. From script to screen, we strive for cinematic excellence.“


Fokus Films